Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's That Time of the Year: Goals for 2011!

I am known for setting some rather crazy and unachievable goals, but this for 2011 I have set some modest goals based on what I have accomplished in the last half of this year when I started taking reading seriously again since graduating from school. So without further ado I present you with my goals for 2011:

1. Get a bookshelf for all my books. This one is going to be fun to accomplish (with a little help from my dad) I will convert my closet into a large built in bookshelf. I don't use my closet anyway, I fold all my clothes. My books need a little home! They're scattered all over the house and under my bed (in pretty boxes, but under my bed nonetheless).

2. Read 200 books. This one won't be too difficult as I read fairly quickly and am only planning on working part-time. I usually take a day to a day and half to finish a book, so here's to hoping I actually have books on hand to devour! 

3. Improve (or, actually obtain) review-writing skills. I am very new to writing reviews about books, before I started this blog I would just rave about them to a friend. I hope to give good honest reviews that are informative, well written, and not terribly boring :)

4. Learn. So this goal is encompasses all areas of my life. I will continue my college studies, I will continue to learn more about the blogging world, and I will continue to learn more about myself as a reader/citizen/blogger/friend/sister/daughter. This goal is ongoing from years past, so it's important to always include it in any list I make, and I encourage all my readers to do the same because:

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." 
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." 
— Henry Ford

What are your goals for 2011?


  1. Great goals!!! My goal is to make a goal for this year. Mwhahaha

  2. Fantastic goals! I'm totally jealous about your soon to be bookshelf. You must include pics of that project. I haven't thought of my goals yet. I'm leaving that for my drive back home for the new year!

  3. Great goals! I need a home for my books as well...

  4. That is such a cool idea with the closet! I love it! The books will have their own little home. Too cool. :) And wow, 200 books! Hmmm, I really need to work on my speed reading skills. ;D Hope you have a wonderful and fun New Year. Best of luck to you!


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