Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seers of Light by Jennifer DeLucy

Seers of Light by Jennifer DeLucy
Light Series #1

From Goodreads: Lillian Hunt has never truly lived. Always sensing more to the world than is easily perceived, she fears that her instincts are stubborn flights of fancy, or worse, mental instability. But some things—disappearing strangers, tangible dreams, and visits from malevolent creatures—cannot be ignored. Before it's too late, Lillian is ripped from the only existence she’s ever known and thrust into a reality that she always suspected, but could scarcely believe. She must learn the truth about who she is, the powerful beings that wish to destroy her, and the two men who would die to protect her.

This book was refreshingly new for me. It dealt with the paranormal and at times I felt like I was reading a Ghost show of some sort. It started quickly, we are introduced to Lily's everyday life which included working at her grandparent's shop and living with a cat. She has some odd (but scary) experiences including this horribly frightening scene in her bedroom one night, I won't say more on it but I was freaked out. During one of these frightening scenes, we are introduced to Christian, he is a knight in shining armor and has a British accent. What's not to love?! He takes her to where he is currently residing with his "family". They are basically a group of sentients living and working together. What a host of interesting characters they are! One particular favorite of mine was Paul, I think he would've followed the whole GTL lifestyle... Gym Tan Laundry Baby! Their "leader" or seer is Abram. He is the epitome of  a wise old man complete with infinite patience and knowledge. I loved reading about him and his interactions with everyone. Also living with them is William. Ah William, the outsider, he would be the other half of the "two men who would die to protect" Lily. Where Christian is charming and "golden" William is more quiet and thoughtful. I took an immediate liking to him, but there is something about him that is different from the others... I won't go into too much detail about what exactly a sentient is, but do know that they are human and have abilities.  I liked that the story spans many months instead of a few weeks like other books I've been reading lately. There aren't any boring moments though, their everyday life is interesting and the relationships more so. They have their "jobs" and purpose which put them in danger often. This book has action, romance, ghosts, vampires, and characters you will love as part of your own family! *note* There is some material not appropriate for young readers including sex scenes and an encounter with a horrific incubus, I told you Lily goes through some frightening things!

I give this book 4 owls!

Come back Friday for a guest post by Jennifer DeLucy and a chance to win this ebook and it's sequel Whisper of Light (which I will review tomorrow)! Who knows what characters will be stopping by for a chat...


  1. Sex and vampires??? Count me in!! ;o) I kid, but I do love paranormal things, so it's still up my alley!

  2. hey....Sex and vampires??? Count me in!!

  3. This is a book I haven't seen before, but the cover is so, so pretty! And it sounds really good too.

    New follower :)


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